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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Publié le 07/02/2020 par Paulus Franck

With the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) a global event was celebrated to empower women in science  in 2019, ( This event was created following the United Nations Day of Women and Girls in Science (, that is celebrated on February 11th.

The IUPAC global women's breakfast of 2019 made such a great impact that it is happening this year again on February 12th in the morning. The purpose of this event is to create a network where women in STEM can connect with each other and support their professional aspirations and develop leadership skills. Even though we are in a very privileged situation, this is not the case in many other countries and even in less favored areas of Europe.  At the moment, less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women and according to the UNESCO data, only 30% of all female students select STEM-related fields in higher education. Diversity in researchers enlarges the pool of talented researchers and this day is a reminder that women and girls play a critical role in science and technology and that their participation should be strengthened.

Women and men from all types of educational and scientific organizations are welcome to organize such breakfast event. Last year we already celebrated the IUPAC breakfast in our cafeteria and we are planning a beautiful breakfast with an interesting program this year with talks of female researchers at different points of their career.

This event is open for everyone and it will for sure help you to understand better your female students and colleagues, encourage them to pursue their careers and you will get some ideas on the issues many girls and women face these days. It will be for sure very helpful to create a better integration environment and get some good discussion and food